Posts tagged different credit scores
What You Need to Know about Checking Your Credit Score

Your credit score is easily the most important three-digit number in your life. You need it to navigate the financial world, and you need it to get most of the essentials necessary for survival. Because of that, you will need to know about checking your credit score. These are some of the questions that people ask about checking your credit score. They should help you to understand the process so that you'll know what to do when the subject comes up in your life.

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How Long Does It Take to Build Credit?

No matter how low your score is, it can always come up with time and dedication. Your question is, of course, how long? How long does it take to build credit? I say quite often that there is no one size fits all approach- no set-in-stone answer. The length of time will depend directly on your situation.

We bring you the following information and tips to help you make the biggest impact on your score as quickly as possible.

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What Happens if You Have No Credit Score?

Believe it or not, everyone should have a credit score; even if it is as low as 300. It does not matter the state of someone’s credit or if they are in a bad situation or not. Those who don’t show a FICO score have not built up their credit standing yet. ‘No credit score’ is detrimental to your credit worthiness and financial standing Let us take a look at the reasons why and find out what would happen, if your credit score shows little or no activity.

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Good Credit Score Best Practices Anyone Can Follow

Your credit score and report are the two most essential items in your life. They determine whether you can gain access to the products and services that you need to navigate through this world. A good credit score is attainable if you know the credit score best practices. We want to bless you with some tips that you can use to boost your credit score to the next level and keep it there.

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What Is a Common Credit Score to Buy a House?

Credit scores can be confusing, even for those who are financially savvy. Many people know that a good credit score will boost your chances of getting a mortgage since it shows the lender that you are more likely to repay the loan on time. However, there is also a minimum credit score to buy a house. The minimum credit score to buy a house will depend on what type of mortgage you are interested in.

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